Oren Z. Lerman, MD

The Eyelid Surgery Recovery Timeline

Sep 10, 2018 @ 05:21 PM — by Oren Zvi Lerman, M.D.
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery

An eye lift procedure, also known as blepharoplasty, can improve the appearance of the skin around your eyes, making you appear less tired and more alert and youthful. Eyelid surgery can also be performed for functional purposes; the upper eyelid surgery technique improves your field of vision if drooping upper eyelids fall into your line of sight.

Regardless of the reasons for an eye lift procedure, you may be curious about the recovery process. Board-certified plastic surgeon Oren Lerman can perform eyelid surgery at his Manhattan, NY practice to deliver the results you seek, along with a safe healing process. Learn more by reading about the eyelid surgery recovery timeline.

The Day of Your Procedure

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, so you will be discharged soon after the procedure is complete. Plan on having a family member or friend take you home since you will not be able to drive.

Once at home, relax with your head elevated to reduce swelling. It is recommended that you simply rest, take any medications and eye drops as prescribed, and follow other post-operative instructions.

You can wear glasses, but you will not be able to wear contacts for about two weeks.

The First 48 Hours after Your Surgery

The first two days after any surgery is when patients will feel the most discomfort. This is the acute healing period, as your body recovers from the tissue trauma associated with surgery.

Although you should be resting as much as possible, be sure to get up and walk around once in a while. This promotes blood circulation, which is critical to preventing clots and encouraging healing.

Patients will also experience swelling and bruising around the eyes and upper portion of the face. Aside from taking inflammation medications, swelling may be further controlled by gently applying an ice compress.

Two Weeks after Surgery

During this time, you will have had your first post-operative visit with your surgeon. Inflammation and bruising will largely have subsided, but may persist for a few weeks. At this time, any bruising can usually be hidden with some makeup.

Most people will return to work a week to two weeks after their procedure. Other non-vigorous activities, like household chores, will also be gradually introduced around this time.

Still, you will be advised to continue to follow the following activity restrictions at least through your second week post-operation:

About Two Months after Surgery

By the two-month mark, you should be back to your normal routines. You will have had another check-up or two to ensure you are healing as you should.

By the second month, residual swelling will have entirely, or almost entirely subsided. At this point, the full results of your procedure should be apparent.

Learn More about Eyelid Surgery Today

It takes an experienced and respected surgeon to make the most of your eyelid surgery. Learn more by booking an appointment online with Dr. Lerman or calling us today at (212) 434-6980.